

Artisan People get excited about going into work because we love what we do. Every day we talk to and meet exceptional people, whether they’re candidates or clients, and we are passionate about matching the right people to the right vacancies.

Our Founder Directors, Jo Ashworth and Tim Seyner Harness, believe in providing outstanding, high calibre service for candidates and clients alike.

Tim Seyner-Harness and Jo Ashworth, Founder Directors, Artisan People

Artisan People’s temp teams work across a number of sectors – Museums & GalleriesLuxury Beauty & Fashion – but each department is staffed by specialists in the field. So it doesn’t matter if you work in theatre, music, makeup, fragrance, promotions, ticketing, or fashion designer brands, we have a lot of great roles for fabulous candidates.

Our expanding permanent team is run by experienced recruitment consultants specialising in senior retail management, accountancy and finance, and office support roles.

Total availability round the clock

Our clients don’t stick to office hours and neither do we! The vast majority of our clients are open for business seven days a week, often with long opening hours. They appreciate the fact that we can be contacted at any time of the day or night – you never know when an issue might arise.

Museums and galleries often need staff for late night openings, longer opening hours for major exhibitions, and occasionally have events on all night.

Our retail clients need staff every day of the week, and are often open late into the evenings.Promotional activities begin at four in the morning and carry on usually until around 10pm, so all our candidates need to be flexible and willing to work what can be unsociable hours.

Are you a keeper?

Our aim is to develop long-term relationships with all our clients, and are very proud to have succeeded in our ambition! By continuing to provide an excellent service and people who are passionate about what they do, we have been working with some of our clients for nearly two decades! That sort of longevity speaks volumes in today’s recruitment industry.


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